Tuesday, January 22, 2013

'Homesick' Review

My sister and I always listened to different music. She usually sticks to rap and hip hop, and I stick to alternative rock. I never really listened to A Day to Remember on my own because at first I didn't get it.

Oddly enough, my sister got me into A Day to Remember, and the first album she showed me was Homesick.

People are usually like I was when they first listen to A Day to Remember. They don’t understand the meaning of the lyrics and where the band gets them from. A Day to Remember adds howling into their music. This type of music actually usually scares people.

But if you really take time to listen to what the song is about, their music is pretty good. Especially their album Homesick.

“While the music industry scrambles to discover the next big thing, A DAY TO REMEMBER has been becoming it, showing that with the right amount of hard work, strong songs, an unfaltering self-belief, and that indefinable spark of something really special, anything is possible.” [Source]

Below is a full list of the songs you can find on the album.

1] The Downfall Of Us All
2] My Life For Hire
3] I'm Made Of Wax, Larry, What Are You Made Of?
4] NJ Legion Iced Tea
5] Mr. Highway's Thinking About The End
6] Have Faith In Me
7] Welcome To The Family
8] Homesick
9] Holdin' It Down For The Underground
10] You Already Know What You Are
11] Another Song About The Weekend
12] If It Means A Lot To You

I was asked to do an evaluation on an album, restaurant, or a food or drink product. I chose the A Day to Remember album 'Homesick' because it means something to me. The first thing I need to do before evaluating the album is give my criteria. What good is an evaluation without one?

My Criteria

• Pumps you up when listening to it [1 Point]
• Makes you feel good [1 Point]
• Good to listen to in any mood [1 Point]
• Good sound quality [1 Point]
• Easy to identify what is being said [1 Point]
• Good amount of songs on the album [1 Point]
• Motivational [1 Point]

I consider the album to be successful if it meets at least 6 out of 7 of the points.

The album met 6.5 points out of 7.

I would definitely recommend it to my friends and even people I don’t know. The album is very motivational and puts you in a good mood, as well as sounds great. One drawback is that it isn’t always easy to identify what is being said in the lyrics.

Besides all that, the album is definitely a good one to listen to, especially if you’re feeling the need to feel awesome.

And if you wanna feel like a rockstar.

Does the album fit the criteria?

I would say so.

Pumps you up when listening to it
This album definitely does so. Most of the songs on the track list are fast-paced, and have awesome beats. [1 Point]

Makes you feel good
The album definitely would make you feel good. With the awesome beats and quick pace, you feel good just by being able to keep up with it! I myself feel amazing when I can sing along to the lyrics. [1 Point]

Good to listen to in any mood
The album is good to listen to in any mood. I sometimes find that when I listen to it whether I'm mad, sad, or bummed out, I feel better because of the beat and the meaningful lyrics. It’s surprising to think it helps when I’m mad, but it somehow calms me down. [1 Point]

Good sound quality
The album has amazing sound quality. You can hear the lyrics easily and the instruments sound amazing. [1 Point]

Easy to identify what is being said
Not always. When the song is being sung in a normal voice, you can understand it better. But when the vocals switch to howling, it is hard to identify what the singer is saying. [1/2 Point]

Good amount of songs on the album
There are 12 songs on the album, which is a fairly decent amount compared to some albums that have less than 10. This number is also close to the average track count of an album, which is close to 12.26 songs per album. [Source] [1 Point]

The album’s songs consist of lyrics about believing in yourself and not letting anybody control your life because it is your own. They’re also about fighting for what you believe in and taking the path that you want in life.
I would think that that is motivational. [1 Point]

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Top Five Motivational A Day to Remember Songs

Top Five Motivational A Day to Remember Songs

 Here is my list for top five songs, and I chose these five because they each all have a connection within being motivational. They all talk about believing in yourself and not letting anybody else control your life, because it is your own. They're also about fighting for what you believe in and finding your own way in life. I picked this order because these were the order of my favorite songs amongst the five.

 1] All I Want
"I’m always screaming my lungs out 
Till my head starts spinning 
Playing my songs is the way I cope with life 
Won’t keep my voice down 
Know the words I speak are the thoughts I think out loud
Still got something left to prove 
It tends to keep things moving 
While everyone around me says my last days are looming overhead 
But what the hell do they think they know? 
My head's above the water while they drown in the undertow" 
 This song is really about getting your thoughts out and not letting anyone bring you down. 

 2] Holdin' it Down for the Underground
"Been through a lot in the last year 
It's like everything I love is slipping away 
And every time I come home 
Some more of me isn't there I gotta get it together 
I need to do things for myself I've given everything 
But still you take more from me I need some room to breathe" 

This song is about doing things for yourself and not letting someone else take over your life. 

 3] NJ Legion Ices Tea
"Get up, get out, 
This is your wake up call, 
We run this town and you can't fight us all, 
We keep 'em coming back for more,
 Don't think you can hold us down, 
We'll tear this building down, 
Try to be careful what you say 
Give it up, your tact is astounding, 
Find your place and leave us with some peace of mind, 
You do this every time" 
 This song is really about fighting back when someone tries to control you. You are the controller of your own life. 

4] Have Faith in Me
"Have faith in me 
Cause there are things that I've seen I don't believe 
So cling to what you know and never let go 
You should know things aren't always what they seem 
They've got me on the outside, looking in 
But I can't see at all 
With the weight of the world on my shoulders, 
They just wanna see me fall" 
 This song is about believing in nobody but yourself because everybody else just wants to see you fail.

  5] You Already Know What You Are
"I know it's not the easiest route, 
And I know It leaves you overflowing with doubt 
But if you want it you can have it
 Hope it's all that you dreamt 
Cause once you got it your gonna get it 
You wont be leaving this 
You can't trust everyone you meet 
They won't amount to anything 
Go tell them 
Go tell them it's not as simple as you think 
You can't trust everyone you meet 
They never meant that much to me 
Go tell them 
Go tell them it's not as simple as you think" 
 This song pretty much talks about not trusting everyone you meet and believing in yourself, because if you want something really badly you can have it.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

My Blog Purpose

The purpose of this blog is to give evaluations of different albums by different bands. This blog will be filled with videos and photos of different bands, as well as evaluations of their work.

Photo, Video, Link

Click Here to visit the A Day to Remember website.